Building a Shopify store

If you too have thought about setting up an online store that will bring you money, you have most likely already heard the name Shopify. In short, it is the most popular, high-quality and profitable platform today and it is absolutely no coincidence that many big brands have chosen it for online sales purposes. True, it is very important to do a comprehensive market survey and understand which platform is the most suitable for you and that is exactly why we want to explain about Shopify, the process of building a store and its many advantages. A moment before let's try to understand what ecommerce is at all.

Introduction - what is ecommerce anyway?

The most basic and simplest definition of ecommerce is digital commerce. The word consists of an English combination of the words internet and commerce and the reference here is to any kind of commerce that is done online - whether it is shopping for furniture, food, clothing or anything else. Most of the time, when we talk about ecommerce, we refer to those websites that are actually digital stores and this is where the leading platform called Shopify comes into the picture. We will immediately go through all the steps in the process, but first we will explain - what does it even mean to build a Shopify store?

The benefits of building a Shopify store

As mentioned, Shopify is actually a system for building online stores. Its advantages are many, but there is no doubt that the main thing here is its ease of operation and the fact that it can be managed quickly by more or less any user. Building a Shopify store is a complete process that includes thinking about an idea, branding and implementing an online store, when at the end of the process you can start making actual sales. With the WeDev company, the process is much simpler, intuitive and efficient, and has a high level of adaptation of a high-quality website to the needs of each store and brand. Let's now go over the main steps in the process of setting up Shopify sites.

Steps of setting up a Shopify store

Characterization of the Shopify store

The first step is actually the most important foundation for any successful Shopify website. The characterization is actually a complete process in which all the needs, the challenges and the goals of business owners who wish to establish an online store are precisely defined and then the required features of such a website are defined accordingly, in such a way that it will suit their needs and goals. This step is done in full cooperation between the client and the experts at WeDev with the clear goal of reaching a finished product that reflects the vision of the brand.

Correct and accurate planning

A website that is actually used as a store has a clear goal - bringing in profits. Therefore, before setting out, a clear road map with dates and deadlines for all the different stages in the process must be precisely defined, which essentially guarantees that the website will go live as soon as possible and will not get stuck at different stages. This schedule will include all the steps until the site goes live, including dates for meetings where you can get an impression of the pace of progress, share clarifications and comments, and refine the site.

the development process

This is where the work of WeDev's shopify experts actually begins, whether it is the website builders, the content manager, the SEO experts, the graphic designers and other officials. This happens after defining tasks precisely (including breaking them down into smaller tasks), setting clear timetables for the process and defining the way of cooperation between the teams until the finished product goes live.

tests and take-off

After this effort, comes the point where the site is ready. At this stage it is still not being put on the air, because it is necessary to conduct a series of different tests whose purpose is to examine the user experience and, in fact, whether the site works and looks as it should in all respects: at the design level, at the technical level, at the clearing in it and other elements. After a series of comprehensive tests and only when you are sure that the site was built precisely according to the needs and characterization, you can open the champagne and put it on the air - a new web store has emerged into the world.

The benefits of building a Shopify store

the development process

The main advantage is undoubtedly the development process which is efficient, fast and customized. Choosing Shopify is the safe choice for anyone who wants to go live as soon as possible without any unnecessary problems. It is also worth noting that beyond the efficiency of the process, it is also a very enjoyable process and it is always exciting to see how an idea takes shape.

Secure and efficient storage

The storage of Shopify websites is of course on the company's servers, a very important advantage. We are talking here about reliable, strong and above all safe servers, so you can be quiet and know that your customers' information will not leak or leak and put the name of your brand in danger.

App store and other add-ons

The choice in Shopify also includes the app store with a host of add-ons that will ensure a user experience that is not only excellent, but mostly personally adapted to the store's brand spirit. Of course, after the initial design process, you can replace and change plugins and features if necessary.

Adjusting SEO in the perfect way

Shopify stores are perfectly optimized for SEO promotion. What exactly does that mean? that after the website goes live, it will be much easier and simpler to make it one that appears organically in the first places in the search results on Google and other search engines.

A free hand in designing and adapting to the customer

Unlike other platforms, Shopify is such a platform that does not force customers to conform to fixed templates. The free hand allows for precise adjustment and makes each Shopify store unique, which inevitably affects the traffic to it and ultimately also the volume of sales.

Customers for whom we developed Shopify stores

Common questions

Definitely. The Shopify store is used by major brands in the world, but it is equally suitable for small and local businesses that wish to create an online presence and allow all their customers easy and quick access to ordering the desired products and services.

Setting up the store is not a matter that takes too much time, and the main work is in creating the customized features. The required working time varies according to the complexity of the features, but it can also amount to a matter of a few days or weeks. Each case will be examined individually, and we will be happy to advise you individually on the duration of the establishment and development of your store.

Building your store on Shopify depends on the plan you pay for to set up your store (starting at $39 per month). On top of that, the platform charges you a variable fee according to the program, and if you are interested in special features that are not available for free on the platform, you will have to pay for them or use professional developers to do it for you.

Shopify provides its customers with representatives and a support center whose aim is to help you, and in addition there are also many online communities dedicated to providing help to users. We at WeDev will be happy to provide you with professional guidance in everything related to the construction of the store itself, the development and design of the features you need and also the orderly and efficient operation of the system.

In conclusion

If you are still debating about the platform on which you will set up your first online store, we definitely recommend that you do a comprehensive market survey. If you do it right, you'll quickly discover that it's absolutely no coincidence that Shopify is the leading platform in the world, and it's the one that will ultimately bring you the best results. This is also the time to get to know more deeply the unique service you will receive from the WeDev company that has already established hundreds of websites for leading brands in Israel and the world. Want to know more? The team of experts is available to you at every step and will be happy to give you more information.

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