Interactive designer

The designer you didn't know you needed.. until

Shopify Plus store development, integration between Shopify and ZOHO CRM, sales interface development for phone representatives, custom design.

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Development of an information system for drawing conclusions and making clinical decisions, documenting them in the patient's personal file, streamlining processes and more.

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Development of a Shopify store, development of a customized lottery system, integration between Shopify and Priority, personal adjustments.

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Development of Shopify stores for the entire international franchisor network, development of a dashboard for store management, control of products, acceptance of orders, management of warranty sessions, integration with the Bgate system and statistics.

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A start-up leading innovation in the field of public participation. Raise It's platform allows public organizations, communities and political movements to address their target audiences in a targeted manner, to consult and share with them in decision-making processes.

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פיתוח חנות שופיפיי B2B לשוק האירופאי, , הקמת תשתית לאיגנטרציה של כלל התהליכים העיסקיים לפריוריטי - האיגנטרציה כללה את החיבור בין חנות האיקומרס לסניפים הפייזים בישראל והמחסנים בישראל והולנד.

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פיתוח חנות שופיפיי למותג מונט בלאנק לשוק הרומני. פיתוח עמודי קטגוריה עם תמיכה בתתי קטגוריות וסדרות עיצוב, אפשרות לחריטת שם על מוצרים מסוג עטים ושמירה על סטנרנט עיצובי בין לאומי.

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על הפרויקט

כותרת ראשית

In January 2022, I left my job to travel around the world to discover new talents. In every country I visited over the next 12 months, I arranged to meet, interviewed and photograph one person working in the creative field. My goal was to meet people, discover talents and design industries that are sometimes underrepresented, and show that everyone has an interesting story to tell, no matter when they come from. I asked them about their story, their process and the industry they are working in. I did the transcript of those interviews in order to create a website containing all those articles. To build a side project, it’s essential to underestimate the amount of work required. It took me more than two years to do this project and I don’t regret any seconds I put into it. There is a lot of countries out there I haven’t been to yet so Esperanto will forever be a work in progress. 



customer name


2022 - Year Long Project

אבני דרך
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