Application promotion

An application is an excellent tool for businesses and organizations of various types, which can improve the interaction between you and your target audience. With a good app, you can attract more users and upgrade your branding, and when it comes to for-profit businesses, you can also increase the profit line at the end of each month. However, despite the many potential benefits, the app itself is not always enough, and ultimately your efforts to promote the app will also affect its success. This is precisely why we want to tell you everything that is important to know about app promotion, choosing a professional software house for its development, the importance of the rating in the app stores and the various promotion options that lie ahead of you.


before launch

Quite a few business owners and organizations rush to release an app just to have one, without thinking in depth beforehand. It is very important to understand that such a move is often a wasted move, and that it is very important to approach the process with a thorough preliminary thought. In the first step, you need to understand what the purpose of the application is and how it can respond to the target audience that it does not receive today in other places. Another critical part of the process is market research where you will try to understand what your competitors' apps look like, what value they give to the target audience, what is good about them and can be a source of inspiration and how you can offer customers something new. Also, it is very important to choose an appropriate name for the application that will go hand in hand with the branding processes of the body behind it. A good and catchy name is critical for further marketing and promotion. Finally, at the stage of uploading the application to stores, it is important to patiently and accurately define all the different parameters and not to underestimate the questionnaire in order not to harm the success of the application and its visibility to users.


Choosing a software house to develop the application

Another critical decision that should not be taken lightly is choosing the appropriate software house that will open the application for you. It is important to understand that even if, from the outside, app development may seem like a simple task, in fact it is not like that at all. To develop a good application, you must first make sure that it accurately answers its goals. After that, it is important to characterize it in a precise and detailed manner, even before starting to work on the design or its technical aspects. At WeDev, every application development process always begins with a full characterization of the business behind it, its needs and how the application contributes to it. It is developed in full compliance with the target audience and closely with the professionals behind the organization, and includes the work of experts from different worlds - graphic designers, programmers, application developers, content and micro copy specialists, and more. At the stage when you are debating about the software house that will do the work for you, it is very important to check all these matters in depth and not to compromise. This is the most basic and important step before setting off. You can't expect the promotion to be successful if the app is simply not good.


Google Play or App Store

In this context it is very important to remember that there is a fundamental difference between iOS apps for iPhone users and Android apps. There are hybrid apps adapted to these two common operating systems, which are a particularly common option due to the relatively even distribution between users in Israel and the world, and "native" apps designed specifically for one of these operating systems. The disadvantage here is an application that is only suitable for one operating system, meaning a lack of access to a market segment, but the advantage is the possibility of optimal utilization of specific features of each operating system. It is important to choose a software company that knows how to offer all the options in order to find the solution that suits you best.


What is the difference between a successful application and those that are not?

If you happen to be a little interested in the world of apps, you must have already come across apps that serve the same purpose, one of which is very successful compared to the others. The reason for this difference lies in only one thing - the way in which the application is promoted. Those who develop an application must remember that there are tens of thousands of applications available to users in stores today, and these numbers only increase over time. The fact that an app is good does not mean that it will be successful if you do not know how to market it correctly, just like any other service or product, no matter how good they are, will not be successful if you do not know how to advertise them. The great competition obliges the owners of the applications to work regularly on their promotion within the stores themselves or in external places such as social networks, television and radio advertisements, billboards and the like.

Current screenshot in stores

One of the basic and important steps to promote the application is frequent updating of the images that appear on its page in the store. We all know those pictures that show us exactly what the app looks like and based on them most users choose whether to download an app or not. Many people who publish an application for a store tend to neglect this issue, but it is very important to always upload recent and especially relevant images and always make sure that the information in the store is up-to-date and corresponds to the reality as it is now.


Rating in the app store

It should be remembered that most downloads of apps today are done organically. That is, a user searches for an application for a specific purpose, types in a relevant search term and chooses the application that best suits him according to his personal considerations. In the vast majority of cases, the choice will be in one of the first five options at most, both because most people do not have the time and patience to search for more, and also because the first apps are perceived by consumers as better. To reach these places you need to have a good rating in the store, which can be achieved in a variety of ways (and quite a bit of hard work) such as keyword research, translating texts for relevant target audiences, improving the download ratio, positive reviews in large quantities, updating content on a regular basis and more.


after the launch

Developing an app is no small matter, but what is done after that point is an equally critical part. As soon as you launch an application, it is important to also invest in building a proper marketing strategy for it, one that will serve the business purpose for which it was established. Emphasis should be placed on increasing sales and understanding how you can do it using the app, and more importantly - how you need to market it and promote it to make it happen.

The most effective and also the most important way to promote apps is their organic promotion. It is very important to know all the techniques in the field and apply them on a regular basis, and if you persist you will see results over time. It is important to remember that an integral part of application maintenance is optimization steps that are taken for the applications and their adjustment to the regular updates of Google and Apple. If you don't make sure to do this, your audience may get an outdated and out-of-date application, with bugs and a user experience that will only drive them away from it.


External application promotion

Promoting the application externally with the help of a company specializing in the subject is a step that has many advantages. First, experts in the field have in-depth knowledge of the market and strategies tailored to each organization's target audience, which ensures that the application reaches as many people as possible. The expertise of the experts in various promotion channels such as social networks, influencers and app stores will allow to increase the traffic to the application and increase the amount of downloads accordingly. A professional external company will provide you with valuable statistical analyzes and monitoring of the performance and behavior of the users, which will allow the adjustment of the promotion strategy on the fly. This convenient option saves you a lot of time and resources and allows you to focus on the current work and what is important in the business. With consistent and effective promotion of experts in the field, the app can achieve a higher ranking and retain users better, and accordingly increase revenue. In most cases this is the best and most correct option on the market.


Promoting funded

Sponsored promotion of apps in stores, on Google and on social networks is another not bad option that has advantages, most notably the fact that you can place your app in good places in search in the store and on Google or make sure that it appears to a target audience relevant to you on the networks. However, you really don't have to do this, and in many cases surfers are relatively indifferent to sponsored advertisements and tend to ignore such results. In any case, the sponsored promotion should be secondary to the organic promotion and word of mouth advertising.



The app should be accessible and easy to use to satisfy and retain users. If users can intuitively navigate an app without hidden keys or functions, they are much more likely to have a positive experience and continue to use it over time. Such a clear and direct approach reduces the frustration and learning curve required to successfully operate the application, and encourages users to use the application more frequently. This ease of use is especially important in today's digital environment, where users expect instant gratification and have many other content alternatives to choose from.

Beyond that, transparent and intuitive usability fosters trust and loyalty among your customers, as users feel confident that they can achieve their goals efficiently. Such an application actually allows any user of any level of knowledge and technological access to enjoy what you have to offer. It is very important to emphasize the functionality and convenience of the application, which will ultimately improve its attractiveness, increase user engagement and increase its overall success and yours in the competitive market.


In conclusion

Launching a great and up-to-date app is the first step in the process, but it's definitely not the end of it. In order for the application to meet the goals for which it was established, it is also very important to promote it properly in the various channels and in particular with high-quality and consistent organic promotion. WeDev's team of experts has the tools to develop an efficient and useful application for you and make sure it reaches the right target audience. Do not compromise on this issue to avoid inefficient use of your budget. Apps are built with only the experts in the field, and with those who also know exactly how to promote them properly after the launch.