App development cost: How much does it really cost to develop an app?

App development is a complex process that requires careful planning, technical expertise and a clear vision. The cost of developing the application depends on a variety of factors, starting with the scope of the project and ending with the experience of the key team. It is difficult to determine an exact price for the entire process, but there are some key parameters that can help in estimating the total cost of app development. Need such a service and wonder what will affect the price? Here we will answer important questions on the subject and provide you with critical information to start the process.

Factors affecting the price

The price of app development is affected by several parameters. Here are examples of some main factors:


The vision is the starting point for every development project. It defines the goals, objectives and desired functionality of the application. The more detailed and precise the vision, the easier it is for the development team to understand the requirements and accurately estimate the required resources. However, an overly ambitious vision may lead to high development costs and long development times, so it is important to find the right balance between the vision itself and the limitations of the budget and time. Close cooperation between the client and the development team can help formulate a realistic and achievable vision.

UX/UI design

UX/UI design is a critical component of app success. A fluid user experience and attractive design can turn any app into an effective piece of software that users will return to again and again with enthusiasm. However, a complex and customized design may be more expensive than simpler, more generic designs. When planning the design, it is important to clearly define the target audience of the application and its expectations. The desire to create a unique and impressive design must be balanced with the need to maintain an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface. Close collaboration between the UX/UI designers and developers can ensure that the design is correctly translated into a functional application.

The purpose of the application

A clear definition of the purpose of the application is necessary for effective planning of the development process. The better the goals are defined early on, the easier it is for the development team to estimate the amount of work required and plan accordingly. Poor planning or frequent changes in goals can cause delays and unnecessary costs. It is especially important to accurately estimate the working hours required to develop each component of the application. An underestimation of the working hours can lead to exceeding the budget and many delays in the completion date. On the other hand, overestimation may lead to unnecessary allocation of resources. Regular communication between the client and the development team can help maintain realistic expectations and adjust the planning according to the progress of the project.


The scope of the application's features directly affects the development cost. The more features there are, the more time and resources are required for development. Therefore, it is important to prioritize the most essential features and carefully weigh the benefit of each against its cost. You should start with a basic version of the application, which includes only the necessary features, and add new capabilities at later stages. In this way, it is possible to bring a functional product to the market quickly and at a relatively low cost, while being able to receive early feedback from users and adjust the application as needed.


The complexity of the application is another major factor affecting the development cost. Complex applications, which require integration with external systems, processing large amounts of data or sophisticated algorithms, will be more expensive to develop than simpler applications. The more complex the application, the greater the need for a more skilled and experienced team. Developers with expertise in specific technologies or areas such as data security or artificial intelligence may command higher wages. Also, complex projects also require more time for testing, debugging and fixing.

Technical structure

The choice of the technical structure of the application, including the programming languages, the databases and the development environments, can significantly affect the development costs. Newer or less common technologies may require you to seek out developers with specific skills, who may also charge more for their work. In addition, the infrastructure requirements of the application such as servers, storage and bandwidth must be considered. More complex applications or those with high performance will require a wider and more expensive infrastructure. It is important to choose the technical solution that best suits the needs of the application, while balancing cost and performance.

development time

The amount of time required to develop the application directly affects the total cost. Longer projects will require a greater amount of man-hours on the part of the developers and other officials, and delays in development can add costs. Setting realistic schedules is necessary for the success of the project. Overly pressured schedules can lead to mistakes, bugs and poor product quality, which can end up being costly in the long run. On the other hand, too long schedules can cause a waste of resources.

Build a work plan

Preparing an orderly work plan is an integral part of preparing for the work itself and much more before putting the plan into practice. When the plan is clear, act according to it and work according to exact schedules, and you can move forward with the tasks required to meet your goals while avoiding unnecessary financial expenses and delays in completing the application.

the day after

After the application is launched, it is very important that the customer has access to and control over its content and day-to-day operation. Without having the ability to update and maintain the application independently, the client may find himself dependent on the development team even for ongoing non-technical changes. It is useful to take into account already in the planning stage the needs of the day after the launch. An easy-to-use content management system must be defined in advance, which will allow the customer to update texts, images and other information independently. In this way, the customer will be able to promote and improve the application according to his changing needs, without having to contact you for development services every time.

Recommendations and references

In the process of choosing the software house for the development of the application, it is useful to consult with colleagues and other organizations that have already gained experience with application development. A conversation with parties who have gone through a similar process can reveal all the expected challenges and obstacles, and the ways to deal with them. It is recommended to ask your colleagues about the shortcomings and difficulties they experienced in the development process, and what they would do differently if they could. These lessons can help avoid common mistakes and save unnecessary costs. Also, it is useful to examine the applications of large and leading organizations in the field, and compare them to the applications of competitors of a similar size.

Common pricing methods

There are several common pricing methods for app development projects. Each method offers its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on the specific needs of the project and the preferences of the client.

fixed price

The total price of the project is determined in advance, regardless of the number of hours that will actually be spent on development. This method is popular in projects where it is easier to estimate in advance the scope of investment and work.


  • A known and predictable budget in advance, no surprises
  • Reduced need for involvement and ongoing control on the part of the client
  • An incentive for the software house to finish the project as quickly as possible


  • Less flexibility for changes and updates during development
  • Risk of exceeding the budget in case of unexpected problems or delays
  • May lead to concessions on quality or integration of additional features due to the pressure of meeting the budget

Pay per service

In this payment method, the customer pays for each specific service he receives from the software company during development, for example Back-End development, UX/UI development, test development and more.


  • Greater flexibility for adjustments and changes on the fly
  • Greater control of the client over the process and the progress of the project
  • Fairer pricing, based on the actual work and not on a pre-estimate


  • Difficulty in predicting the final cost and the amount of hours that will be required
  • Requires more continuous involvement and control of the process from the client

How do you choose where to develop?

There are several relevant options for app development. It is possible to work with individual freelancers or with small and independent teams, and the advantage of this approach is often a lower cost and a personal approach. On the other hand, freelancers may have limited resources and less ability to deal with complex projects. In contrast, established development companies like Wedev offer experienced teams, proven work methodologies and the ability to manage comprehensive projects. The cost of service from such companies may be higher, but the benefits of experience, expertise and stability make the investment worthwhile. It is important to choose a body with a successful history of similar projects and a lot of positive feedback from satisfied customers.

Tips before you sign

Before signing the contract with the software house, make sure that all the details are clearly summarized such as the price, schedules and everything else. It is also important to take into account the method of handling changes, delays or disputes that may arise during the project. It is recommended to include clauses in the contract that protect intellectual property rights and the confidentiality of business information. Clear ownership clauses for the code, the designs and the other products of the project must be observed. You should also define requirements for support and maintenance after the application is launched. Before signing, it is important to hold a meeting with the representatives of the software house to ensure a full understanding of all the requirements and expectations of the project and to make sure that you are broadcasting on the same wavelength.

receiving advice

In the selection phase of the software house, the initial consultation is an opportunity to get an impression of the team and its approach. Pay attention if the development representatives listen to you, ask relevant questions and offer good ideas. A positive impression from the initial consultation talks is a good indication of their ability to communicate effectively throughout the project. In the consulting conversations, it is important to also be impressed by the seriousness and thoroughness of the software house. Do they take the project seriously, analyze your needs in depth and offer specific solutions? A software house that speaks seriously and to the point, instead of empty marketing slogans, will probably provide more professional and reliable work.


Beyond communication and human relations, it is very important that the employees of the software house are experienced and skilled in the technical aspects. Professional developers have a good command of the relevant technologies and programming languages, and know the important standards and best practices in the industry. Find out what specific technical skills the team that will work on your project has. The development industry is advancing and changing rapidly, so this professionalism also requires constant updating. A software house with professionals familiar with the latest technologies and approaches can offer you more innovative and effective solutions.

Understanding and coordinating expectations

In an application development project, full reciprocity between the client and the software house is critical. The development team must deeply understand the goals of the business, the unique challenges and the vision behind the application. Without such an understanding, he will not be able to develop a solution that exactly meets the needs of the organization and serves its goals. Coordination of expectations is also necessary to avoid disappointments and disputes down the road. Make sure the software house fully understands your expectations in terms of app functionality, user experience, performance and reliability. On the other hand, listen to their assessments of what is possible and what might exceed the budget or the theoretical schedule of the project. Ultimately, the app needs to serve the business goals, so constructive communication and realistic expectations are key.

In conclusion

Successful application development requires a combination of careful planning, an informed choice of the software house and close cooperation throughout the entire process. It is possible to formulate a realistic budget for the project only after well defining the main factors that affect the cost such as the complexity of the application, the design and the scope of the features. Choosing the right pricing method and working with experienced developers can help keep costs within budget, and good communication, mutual listening, and flexibility are key to overcoming unexpected challenges during project development.