Development of information systems
Knowledge is power, and everyone will agree that accumulating information on a variety of topics is a very valuable force that can be used at many crossroads, in making decisions and learning from past mistakes. As early as the 1960s, a need arose that required a response – large organizations and companies that had grown to enormous proportions wanted to preserve the information they had, communicate effectively and quickly, and make smarter, knowledge-based decisions – and thus began the era of information systems.
What is information systems development?
Information systems development is the customization of a system that stores and organizes information, so that any business of any type can quickly and conveniently access the information required at any given moment, analyze it, generate reports from it, and draw conclusions from it that are relevant to the continuation of the activity. Every business has different needs and different information, so the development focuses on customizing the general idea to the relevant specific niches.
Not just a safe deposit box: What is the need for information systems development?
In the 1960s, when companies first began using information systems to manage information, they used basic systems whose function was to preserve existing information and enable efficient retrieval of past files. The ability to retrieve organized information from the past should not be underestimated, as it teaches us a lot about the future and can help us make smarter, more informed decisions. This is exactly what managers and developers of information systems understood a few years later, and today information systems are not only a tool for preserving information but also a tool for analytical analysis, based on existing data and can fundamentally change the way important decisions are made. These systems are also a tool for transferring information in real time between all company entities and various departments, they are convenient and user-friendly for end customers and are the basis of the infrastructure for almost every organization in the world today.
Who really uses information systems?
In short: everyone. Information systems have become so essential to the economy that the thought of running a business without an information system sounds like a far-fetched idea. Information systems are a flexible tool that knows how to adapt itself to the needs of the company or organization and provide the exact response according to the specification. There are information systems whose functions are suitable for almost every retail industry that currently exists in the economy - fashion, restaurants, hotels, automobiles, real estate and the list goes on. In addition, information systems developed by development companies such as Consist are also currently used by municipalities, government offices and military bodies.
What are the existing types of information systems?
There are several types of information systems that are used for different purposes and contain different functions:
Information systems for managing and processing transactions
A transaction processing system (TPS) is a system that records the routine operations and data in a business – data entry, sales, inventory, various financial transactions, and more. This system helps employees create a chain of custody, documentation, and management of each operation. This system allows for extensive data processing and in-depth analysis, along with producing reports quickly and easily.
Decision Support Management Information Systems
A decision support system (DSS) is designed to help different levels of an organization make decisions in complex cases such as uncertainty, new decisions for which the organization has no previous examples to rely on, those that require an immediate response, etc. This system has a variety of analytical tools that will help mimic the behavioral environments necessary for a correct and effective decision, predict data, and explain phenomena.
Dashboard system
Dashboard systems, also called indicator portals, offer as a main service the transfer of management information in the management chain in an efficient, graphical, focused and fast manner. Dashboard systems will usually display visual graphs, with the understanding that information presented visually is easier to understand than information presented in text form. The goal of dashboard systems is to provide accurate information to the manager, from which he can conclude which area he should delve into now, what the right action is and when it should be taken.
What are the benefits of developing information systems?
The development of information systems has several important advantages that are relevant to every organization, company and institution in Israel and around the world:
System order – order is everything
Apparently, Mom was right again – you can’t think logically in a messy room, and this is exactly what information systems claim. When you get the phone call from the prettiest girl in class, you already know that you have to wear the blue shirt to the next meeting – this is what the data shows, and from the same data the conclusion will also emerge that just like the pretty girl, when the big company calls to do business with you – you already know that right then you will have to quickly retrieve the data that will close the deal. Correct and important decisions are made from the order of the information and the system in the organization.
Human response
Information systems are a wonderful and necessary tool for managing any organization, but information systems alone are not worth much. It is possible to get confused and think that information systems will analyze and segment the data for us, produce the reports, and even send the finished product to the client, but of course the reality is different and information systems are just a tool that comes to serve us. This may seem obvious, but if we delve deeper into the subject, it seems that there is a kind of wonderful harmony between humans and information systems – the intention is to see the synergy in combining the powers of the human brain and technology and how far it can take us. The idea of information systems is quite simple – people enter data into the system, the system stores the information, then it analyzes all the information that has accumulated in its memory and produces reports based on the data that was entered. Everyone is satisfied, smarter, and much more efficient.
System adjustment
Imagine a situation where an information system intended for military needs is embedded in a network for importing vegetables – sounds a bit problematic and inefficient. It is very important to adapt the system's operating method to the institution in which it is embedded to ensure successful operation and proper management of the entire organization for many years.
Characterization of information systems
Characterizing information systems is probably the most critical stage in the development process, as it is very important to come prepared with a detailed characterization of the organization's needs and requirements. The professional company you will use to build the system that best suits you will go through a characterization process with you, in which you will talk precisely about the organization's needs and the requirements and tools required in the system, so that they can understand exactly what solutions they will need to provide you.
A new birth of information systems
Information systems are indeed a general name for many types of systems, but as we mentioned – any organization can contact a company that will produce an information system for it that will fit exactly the needs of the organization. That information system will be unique because only that organization has it, and its dimensions are tailored to the company to the level of a bridal gown. The process for producing such an internal organizational information system is made up of several important steps:
- Specification – the system will be built based on the organization's requirements so that it fits it exactly.
- Existing – The current situation in the organization is important for understanding how things are currently going, and how processes can be improved through the management system and work can be streamlined.
- Analysis – The data received by the organization is analyzed to draw conclusions and understand how to use it in the future.
- Visibility – or in other words, user-friendliness. The information system must be convenient and easy to operate so that it suits all the different employees of the company.
- Construction – the establishment and development of the information system itself. This is the technical side of the story, where the system developers will usually run several tests to ensure proper communication and zero failures.
- Implementation – Another important step is to familiarize employees with the system and implement it correctly and healthily in the organization. The goal is for the system to be accessible and for everyone to know it inside out, so that they can get the most out of it.
What does WEDEV offer for information systems development?
WEDEV has extensive experience in developing applications, CRM systems and online stores, having been involved for many years in developing information systems for a variety of businesses and institutions. Whether you want to consult on improving your existing system, building a new one or being exposed to the many options available on the market, we are here to provide you with professional, reliable and accessible information so that you can understand exactly what you have in your hands and what we can provide you.
In conclusion – so much information needs proper management.
In a world where information accumulates into virtual piles that cover the entire network, humanity has seen fit to appoint a global CEO for the problem – her name is information systems. Technology is a widespread component of our reality and is here to stay, whether we like it or not, and it helps us in so many areas of life that a period without such a product seems complicated and even illogical to some of us today. The variety of information systems is enormous so that any company, organization, government office or business can build a customized information system for themselves that will serve their goals with infinite loyalty.
An information system is too essential a tool to give up, and if you have already decided that you need one, it is recommended to use the services of professionals like WEDEV, who will build the exact system for you and you will enjoy a modern, new and advanced work environment.